Working at sea, in the shipping industry can undoubtedly be a tough and punishing job. Crewmembers on large, international vessels spend months at sea, far away from any healthcare facilities. Without physicians onboard, keeping the crew healthy and finding a way to supply proper medical care is paramount. Telematic Medical Applications has, with the help of rugged medical tablets, found a way to bring medical expertise to remote vessels.
Current events put the shipping industry in the spotlight
First, the pandemic caused a global container shortage and then the Suez Canal was completely blocked. The maritime supply chain has been under a lot of pressure and it barely had time to get back to normal before the next crisis hit. Attacks by Houthi rebels in the Red Sea have made the Suez Canal too dangerous to cross.
Shipps are yet again forced to go around the Cape of Good Hope. A route that adds around 6000 nautical miles to the average journey between Europe and Asia. The re-route is of course worth it to keep both the ship and the people onboard safe but also keeps the crew at sea longer. It places further emphasis on the importance of ensuring their welfare onboard.
The TMA Telemedicine Case and its rugged medical tablet
Telematic Medical Applications, a specialist in Telemedicine products, is the company behind the TMA Telemedicine Case. Through its Algiz tablet, the case enables video consultations with a network of medical experts. The rugged medical tablet also provides the physician with the essential real-time data needed to make an accurate patient evaluation.
The TMA Telemedicine Case is equipped with an examination camera along with a telephonic stethoscope which delivers both lung and heart sounds. It is also delivered with an EKG and a spirometer that provides further data on heart and lung functions to the physician. On top of that it can also be fitted with a wide range of additional medical devices.
Leave healthcare decisions to the experts
When accidents happen aboard a remote ship, the decisions made by the first responder are essential. Should the patient be moved or is there a risk of aggravating neck injuries? Is it necessary to call for emergency evacuation? In general, they will go for the safer option which often leads to unnecessary and very expensive helicopter evacuations.
With the Telemedicine Case and the rugged medical tablet, both of these major decisions are moved from the first responder to an expert physician. The robust case is designed to be entirely mobile and easy to use for the first responders. The case is brought to the patient and through the tablet’s excellent connectivity a physician will quickly be connected through a video call.
With the help of video and live medical data an educated decision can be made on both whether the patient can be moved and if emergency evacuation is needed. However, it’s not only for emergencies. The kit is developed to be used for preventative check-ups that can prevent illnesses from spreading and treat minor conditions before they become serious.