About AccuGeospatial
AccuGeospatial have got a long experience within the business and have implemented solutions and services in countries such as Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Liberia.
The company is a key regional player in geographic information engineering and offers their expertise to global, bilateral, national, state, public, NGO and private organizations.

Learn more about: AccuGeospatial
Rugged Computers in Africa
In their solutions, AccuGeospatial uses a wide range of rugged computers to cover the needs of their customers. As we’ve previously highlighted here on the blog, the durability of mobile devices in these regions is highly valued.

Due to rising repair costs, fragile devices that easily
The consequence of this is that many people simply dump their damaged devices as they can’t afford to repair them. In other words, rugged computers have a vital role to play here.
Read more: Avoid rising repair costs by understanding TCO
The visit in Ghana
During his stay in Ghana, our representative Carsten got to share knowledge with people in the business and got to experience some nice food and interesting locations. Enjoy our image gallery below.
See and learn more about what happens On the Road.